Social Cinema: the short video


The role of short videos within the Social Media channels increases. YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, videos are everywhere. With Periscope and Facebook-live, it‘s even possible to stream live. Some companies are taking this video trend to a next level and are using social media to create short films for entertainment or advertising. The name: Social Cinema.

Social Cinema

Making videos isn’t new for companies. Making a film of short films is a different story. A good example of a film on social media is Shield5 on Instagram. This is a short thriller that is broadcasted through Instagram. The 28 episodes of 15 seconds turned out to be a great hit on Instagram proven by the account having 33.000 followers. Also Nike is making short movies and created their Margot vs. Lily series. Two sister who are total opposites of each other are making a bet and (of course) Nike plays a huge role in this (see video above). If you like to know more about Social Cinema read the article on Simply Measured.

Hotels or hotel chains could also use Social Cinema. Think about a short video like Shiled5 where you somehow create storytelling around your hotel. Or festival organisations, who create a series of videos where you can find out more about the festival and its line-up.

Applying in the hospitality industry

The examples from above show you there are many possibilities with videos. It does take some time to make it right though. If you don’t have that time, here are some options to make it easier:

  1. Show your followers how to prepare a dish in a short video. Takes little effort for the chef and it’s great to show your guests. If you want professional examples take a look at Tip Hero.
  2. Release new products. Maybe you have a new barista machine or a new Spring menu. Make a video to present this creatively, surely this will attract a lot of viewers.
  3. Give your guests a peek behind the scenes, they are mostly curious about that. Show your guests how to plate a dish. Or tease future guests with a pre-opening video. Install a go-pro and share a new dish every week or another very trendy idea: do a live stream from the kitchen.

To get a long story short: there are enough options to choose from if you want to start making videos. It is nice for the followers who get involved with the company. A video is just a bit more personal than a picture! Experiment with different channels and give your guests a peek in the kitchen of your own business.

Bron: Simply Measured

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