At pop-up restaurant Food Ink you can eat 3D printed dishes!


From food to the furniture, everything at pop-up restaurant Food Ink is made with 3D printers. These printers from the Dutch company ByFlow create dishes out of hummus, chocolate mousse, smashed peas, goat cheese or pizza dough – essentially anything that can take the form of a paste.

Food Ink starts world tour

Food Ink claims to be ‘s world’s first 3D printed restaurant (which is doubtful according to this article about a 3D pop-up restaurant in Londen) and the first location pop-up was located in Venlo, the Netherlands last April. After many enthusiastic reactions Food Ink will open for three days in London the upcoming month. It will also open its temporary doors in cities such as Berlin, New York and Sydney.

Guests who managed to make a reservation at one of the locations will be treated to a one-of-a-kind, nine-course food experience prepared by top chefs Joel Castanye and Mateu Blanch, and produced via live real-time 3D-printing right in front of the guests’ eyes.

Check out the video for more information about the printer and the 3D dishes which can be served with it.

Bron: Eater

Website: Food Ink

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