#Wildplanting By Bram Ladage


On 26 June, a team of Bram Ladage planted potato plants at several places in the city of Rotterdam. This #wildplanting promotion celebrates the beginning of the potato season. Potatoes plants are planted by end June and the result will be harvested at Saturday, 12 September during ‘The Potato Harvest Day’.


In their video one of the potato plants is planted at the center spot of ‘The Kuip’ (football stadium of Feyenoord) and the greengrocer Mehmet was surprised. “The potato is a fine Dutch product,” said Rocco Ladage of the company. “With this wild planting promotion we want to draw attention to this wonderful natural product and invite everyone for the Potato Harvest Day.” The promotion can be followed on social media via #wildplanten.

Bram Ladage and storytelling

Bram Ladage uses storystelling to tell the story behind his company and the main product he sells. In The Netherlands we have a lot of snackbars (kind of Chips shops), Bram Ladage owns a lot snack bars in and around Rotterdam. In 2012 they organized a ‘get familiar with the origine of your fries’ day. Anyone interested could join his team at a potato farm in Numansdorp to lift some potatoes. These potatoes were processed into chips on the spot. Bram Ladage also auctioned the first crate of newly harvested potatoes, the revenue of this crate went to the Sophia Children Hospital in Rotterdam. And some golden potatoes were hidden in the field for extra prizes.

Website: Bram Ladage  

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