Destination Shibuya Station in Milan


Fastweb, the second largest network in Italy, wants 20% of the Italian population to enjoy fast Internet via fiber by the end of 2014. This guerrilla action is set to announce the introduction. To visualize the speed Fastweb has created a unique experience in Milan: a trip to Shibuya Station, Tokyo within one stop of a subway station. Fastweb transformed the station in detail, displays, kiosks, audio information in Japanese and a Japanese audience. By using QR codes the experience could be shared through social media. Perhaps an idea for restaurants, to convert a bus stop into a mini-restaurant for one day and spoil the travelers?

Paint Your Pizza and then order it


Paint your own pizza and then order it. This is possible at ‘Paint your Pizza’ a project by the Swedish artist Jonas Lund. New York-based ‘Paint Your Pizza’ arose from another project Lund created last year called The Paintshop, which offers a platform on which online users can collaboratively paint pictures and then sell their creations . ‘Paint Your Pizza’ offers an online “canvas” upon which visitors can create the image of their dream pizza. Through a partnership with New York City’s Famous Original Ray’s Pizza, customers can then order an edible version of their creation for delivery to the door.

Great, smaller portions for the same price


In November 2012, 20 restaurants in São Paulo, Brazil, launched an initiative where their guest could choose for smaller portion sizes, while still paying the full price. ‘Satisfeito’ (‘Satisfied, in Portuguese) dishes were 1/3 smaller than the usual dishes. The money saved from serving these smaller dishes has been donated to the Instituto Alana, an organization fighting child malnutrition in Brazil. Satisfeito is a global movement that aims to alleviate child hunger and prevent food waste by providing restaurants and their customers with the chance to help organizations feeding starving children around the world.

Photo is looking for family


  • foto

Action by Go-Tan: the company collaborates with the ‘Tropenmuseum’ to start the action ‘Photo is looking for family’ to find the rightful owners of 335 family albums under former inhabitants of Dutch East Indies. Go-Tan put stickers with family photos on 80.000 ’emping’ bags to reach people who have lost an album, or can help identifying owners of an album.

The Bay Lights


Inspired by the Bay Bridge’s 75th Anniversary, artist Leo Villareal created the project ‘The Bay Lights’. ‘The Bay Lights’ is the world’s largest LED light sculpture, that is made of 25,000 white LED lights and is 1.8 miles wide and 500 feet high. Each light is individually programmed and shines from dusk until 2:00 a.m for the next two years.

Truffle eggs


  • Pasen

Easter is in the air! In the coming weeks we will occasionally publish remarkable recipes or action on horecatrends. For example, the action of the last year by The Cavendish Hotel. Do you have a special recipe or does your restaurant or hotel plan a special activity, let us know by mail. Who knows your company might be on horecatrends.

These truffle eggs are fun to serve as dessert during the Easter dinner. Or wrap the truffle eggs up in a box as a personal gift. The classic chocolate truffle recipe is from chef Chris Horridge. Watch the recipe here.

Photon Shower reduces jet lag


During a demo at the TED conference in California, Delta showed a concept shower called ‘Photon Shower’ that could help passengers recover from their jet lag. Delta worked together with Wieden + Kennedy New York and sleep expert Dr. Russell Foster to design a shower that uses light to alter the body’s internal clock. Travelers can enter their flight information and the ‘Photon Shower’ will adjust for their needs based on flight time. The light recreates the effects of sunlight to alleviate jet lag.

Hangout for farmer and consumer


The Youth Food Movement and the Dutch ‘Agrarische Jongeren Kontakt’ bring farmers and consumers together at the online platform ‘Het Eetcafé’. With the online platform the distance between farmer and consumer is reduced and the consumer learns more about the daily practice on a farm. The online platform gives the farmer the opportunity to explain how things are going at the farm and the consumers can ask questions, criticize and start discussions. The platform will soon be offline as well. This year they will organize days throughout the country where farmers meet consumers in the city and consumers can visit the farm to see where their food comes from. The project is supported by the Ministry of Economics of the Netherlands.

A digital concierge in Renaissance Hotels


Besides the traditional concierge, Renaissance Hotels introduced a digital concierge. The hotel started working with the Navigator program last year. The Navigator offers suggestions for restaurants, shops and sightseeing in the surroundings of the hotel. The Navigator displays information that is generated by hotel employees and by Wcities, an online destination content provider. You can open the program via the site or an App.

Dutch newspaper opens a restaurant cafe


The Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad opened a restaurant cafe on the ground floor of a new building in Amsterdam on 18 February. On the second floor the editors of NRC Handelsblad and are located. The official opening is on 6 March, until then, NRC readers can test the menu. The restaurant gets a ‘newsy’ look, there are screens with the latest news and the ceiling has a see-through to the editors. Soon there will open some meeting rooms for training, lunches, dinners and meetings. From April onwards NRC will organize daily lectures, debates and courses. NRC is not the first newspaper that opens a restaurant, earlier we saw that the Canadian newspaper Winnipeg Free Press opened a cafe.

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