Crowd funded beer from 1463


The Voor en door Goor foundation will herintroduce an ancient special beer brew from 1463. The project will be financed by crowd funding. The aim is to build a brewery in Goor, that will function as a tourist magnet.

QR-code label for shy beer drinkers


In Harry’s Bar (Singapore) it’s easy for shy customers to connect with other people. They can do this through a QR-code label on the beer bottle. The beer sales doubled because of the stunt. See the video.

Scratch your can of Palm beer



Beer brand Palm is challenging the Netherlands to show some creativity on a beer can. Scratch a can of Palm beer and send your design through Facebook. Palm will pick out the best design, which will be in store from next year. The winner wins a trip to London for 2 persons as well. Dutch tattoo-artist Henk Schiffmacher opened the contest by tattooing a beer can. Company SSSS & Orchestra developed this marketing campaign. Sending your design is still possible until the end of September.

Beer opener counts your beers


No excuses when you cannot remember how many beers you have drunk… This opener will count for you.

Homemade honey-beer


The Lincolnshire Marriot Resort in Illinois is brewing their own beer, made of honey from their own bees, in cooperation with the Lake Bluff Brewery. In the future, the hotel will supply their own hops as ingredient for the beer.

KeTo Reporter is beer from tobacco


Beer and tobacco don’t match anymore because of the ban on smoking in bars and restaurants. With the KeTo Reporter by Italian brewer ‘Birra del Borgo’ this can change. The starting beer is Re Porter, then Kentucky tobacco leaves are added. The tobacco gives the beer its pitch black color and spicy taste.

Update: The beer is from Friday available at ‘De Bierwinkel‘ in Leiden (The Netherlands).

Bowser beer for dogs


Bowser makes special dog beer in the USA. The beer is non-alcoholic, non-carbonated and available in beef and checken flavor. It’s possible to customize the bottle with a picture of your own dog.

These beer bottles are the bomb


A highly beer bottle and package design. The bottles are to resemble bombs sold in the black market. It includes a hand-built crate with a bracing system to hold bottles during transportation.



In the north of Argentinia, everybody loves rugby. Salta came up with the idea of ‘Rugbeer’. A vending machine which gives you your beer when you pushed hard enough against it. With this action, the sales increased by 25%.

Beer Bottle and Wine Glass


From WorldWideFred and TheFoundary comes a simple set of optical-illusion glassware designs.

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