The revolution of SUGO Pizza | plant-based is the new standard



SUGO Pizza, known for its airy, square pizza al taglio, is charting a new course this month. Where previously vegan dishes were marked on the menu, a marking is now placed behind dishes with animal products. “With a daring new menu, we are breaking into the future with a bang,” says director Hugo Kruijssen about the company’s new direction.

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Instagram inspiration | Roses are Red or Bread?


  • Instagram inspiration - Roses are red or breadInstagram inspiration - Roses are red or bread
  • Instagram inspiration - Roses are red or breadInstagram inspiration - Roses are red or bread

Do you also enjoy scrolling on Instagram? We do!! Every week we come across inspiration that we often share in our weekly article ‘Trends we spotted’. This week we came across so many of them! Among others, a ‘duck in your coffee’, a bouquet of croissants under the motto ‘are roses red or bread’, hot milkshakes, Cookizza’s by Cedric Grolet and much more. That deserves its own article!

Enjoy reading!!

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